Le Answer Vinyl iF: Episode 103
HMK Mystery Stream IF: Irregular Frequency Episode 103.
Click Hear: hmk.podomatic.com
Click Hear: hmk.podomatic.com
Make It Louder!
Welcome to The HMK Mystery Streams & The Irregular Frequency Netwerk Global Headquarters. We encourage you to relax and feast your ears on the muy grande bueno vibes from the Audio Vault of H. Michael Karshis, ©SharkThang, Totally Bitchin' Recording & The HMK Archive Audio Vault. Make It Louder.
HMK Mystery Stream IF: Irregular Frequency Episode 103.
Click Hear: hmk.podomatic.com
Click Hear: hmk.podomatic.com
Make It Louder!
Posted by HMK at 11:01 AM Labels: Episode 103, HMK Mysterey Stream, iF, iF: HMK Mystrery Streams, Irregular Frequency, Le Answer Vinyl
HMK Mystery Stream IF: Irregular Frequency Episode 092.
Click Hear: hmk.podomatic.com
Aloha, Howdy and Greetings my friends! Thank you and welcome to yet another exciting audio adventure in our continuing series of forgotten sonic audio gems exploring the somehow familiar pulsations, wavelengths and echos from our not too distant future! Welcome to this place we call Earth. This is episode 092 of the IF: Irregular Frequency HMK Mystery Stream, brought to you by the friendly folks at sharkthang.com and the HMK Archive. As usual, headphones and or a glass of your favorite are not required but highly recommended. Delicious? Perhaps... Perhaps... Perhaps... You tell me!
Click Hear: hmk.podomatic.com
Thanks for tuning in!
I've been kind of slacking on the HMK Mystery Stream Posts the last few months - down from one every 7-10 days to one a month! But looking at these stats and knowing that there are 3,000+ subscribers (Thank You!) drooling as they wait for the next mysterious episode (I kid, I joke, I exaggerate - I know!) really puts a fire under my butt to get back into the swing of at least 2 episodes a month!
As usual for each episode, quality over quantity + available time eventually always rules the day, hence Irregular Frequency, it's frequentation is anything but regular, so no promises other than I'll do the best I can!
Thanks again for listening and especially to everyone that's shown their appreciation over the past 3 years via PayPal and bought the staff here at the HMK Mystery Stream Studios coffee and muffins to help keep things rolling!
There are still about a half dozen HMK Mystery Stream Pledge Drive Shirts from last summer available in case you missed out: HMK Mystery Stream Pledge Drive Shirts
Stay Tuned Y'all - some great things are coming soon - thanks again!
You've got to dig it to dig it, you dig?
I found this awesome list of advice from Thelonius Monk to saxophonist Steve Lacy from back in 1960 over here.
The stamp image is from Thelonius Monk's Riverside Records era (1954–1961) - still looking for info on the artist.
Make It Louder!
Posted by HMK at 7:31 AM Labels: 1960, advice, dig, dig it, notes, Steve Lacy, Thelonius Monk